That simply asking customers
If you are already promoting your channel, but you don’t have enough subscribers and clients, take the free course “How to attract clients from Telegram and make money.” The course will tell you how to increase income, promote and implement chatbots into the work of the channel, how to completely move to Telegram and develop mainly on this platform. Every channel owner wants to make money by publishing interesting materials. Likes are good, but money is always nicer and more motivating. To monetize a Telegram channel, you just need to add a bot to it and configure it. Contents: How it works What to publish in a paid Telegram channel How to make a paid Telegram channel.
How the user sees the subscription process How it works Any user can create a private channel, which can only be accessed by invitation. And in this channel you can publish posts with information that is not freely available or that is difficult to collect. This adds value to Web Development Services the content, because few people strive to get into the channel of the next old memes. If the owner has something so important and interesting to tell that people are willing to pay for it, it’s time to make the channel paid and collect donations or subscription money from your audience.
You can make a paid channel in a few steps: make the channel private - anyone can join a public channel for free; set up a subscription using a special bot or service; distribute the link - in your public channel, on social networks, advertise on Telegram or other methods; make content - posts, for which people will be willing to pay; receive money - the bot will track requests, accept and send money to your card, and remove those who have not paid from the channel.