If you have been an insurance consultant for several years you will certainly have no problems writing answers on your website. Perhaps the point where you might have difficulty is knowing which questions the public asks most often. For this aspect fortunately you can rely on artificial intelligence . An example We asked Bard Googles conversational AI tool what are the frequently asked questions of those who want to insure their dog. Here is the resultAfter giving you tips on how to best manage Instagram today Ill talk to you about WhatsApp marketing for restaurants.
Lets see together the best online ideas to understand how you can use the most popular messaging app in Italy to promote your restaurant. We will only talk about practical examples and simple strategies to implement. In reality we had already Phone Number Data seen how Instagram and WhatsApp can be used within the same lead generation strategy through an effective landing page for Instagram . Before we get into conversational marketing I would like to point out that Instagram can also be used to improve the SEO of your business website. Create and send offers when your restaurant is emptiest.
Empty restaurant Jennifer Scott published this tip on Hamiltons blog . Heres what its all about send coupons using WhatsApp. You can decide whether to do it just the day before or a week in advance. The idea is to increase revenue on the days when your restaurant is emptiest. You could send for example a message with a discount on dessert valid only on Tuesdays or something similar. You choose which strategy to adopt. The discount is undoubtedly a strong leverage but you can also use WhatsApp Business broadcast sending to remind all your subscribers when there will be an event in your venue or a themed evening.