What purposes they best suit and what you’ll learn. But first, let’s answer an important question. Who should take a marketing course? For a start, all entrepreneurs and small business owners need to know marketing inside out, if they are to ever achieve breakthrough success. Within larger companies, anyone involved in research, product development, innovation, advertising, customer outreach.
Strategy, and sales needs to have a grounding in marketing too. Arguably, before you get anywhere near to finalizing your product or service offering, you should have a concrete strategy to market it. For one thing, having done thorough phone number list market research competitors, similar products, alternative solutions to the same problem, customer pain points and more you’ll have a better idea how to shape your offering.

In this way, marketing comes both before AND after you have anything to sell. Marketing is extremely important for business and economic growth. To be a great marketer you need to have a marketing vision, know how to create a strategy from that vision, and break down your strategy into actionable tactics. There are many great marketing books out that can help sharpen you mindset and help you get better at thinking.