If a person runs a business during the period of receiving maternity benefit, they do not have to pay: social security contributions, accident insurance premiums, cannot voluntarily pay sickness insurance contributions in the course of business. Convergence of insurance titles - business activity and parental leave There are no contraindications for a person who is on parental leave granted by the employer to run a business. The Labor Code expressly addresses this issue.
Important! During parental leave, the employee has the right to take up paid work for the current or another employer or philippines photo editor other activity, as well as study or training, if this does not exclude the possibility of providing personal care for the child. However, in such a case, you should remember about certain information obligations and know the rules for paying social contributions. A person on parental leave is subject to compulsory retirement and disability insurance for full-time employment, which is financed from the state budget.
If a business is run during parental leave, the entrepreneur is obliged to pay social contributions from the activity. At the same time, the employer should be informed to stop including the authorized person in reports submitted to ZUS and their financing by the state budget will be discontinued. Convergence of insurance titles and health insurance premiums If you earn income from various titles, the health insurance contribution is generally paid from each of these titles.