After storming the Capitol, they launched a campaign. In it, the brand strongly distanced itself not only from the demonstrators, but also from the way in which law enforcement officers responded. According to Patagonia, they operate a double standard: where BLM protesters are often dealt with harshly, these people are almost given carte blanche to enter the Capitol. Where the condemnation of violence still seems 'safe', Patagonia clearly goes a step further by really choosing a side. Nike also dared it.
The sports brand stood firm behind American football player Colin Kaepernick. During the national anthem, Kaepernick knelt in protest at the many deaths among black men from police brutality. He came under a lot of criticism. Nike then distributed his portrait, which read " Believe photo editor in something. " Even if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it. Nike therefore glaringly chose its side in this politically charged discussion. Not everyone could agree with this action; some distributed videos in response of them burning their Nike sneakers.
Nevertheless, the action garnered a lot of sympathy below the line. 4. Be consistent and sincere Incidentally, such statements have to fit in with the 'story' and the face you put down. Do not make a social position dependent on the zeitgeist or any circumstances. ugly face: that of opportunism. In this way Patagonia was able to make the statement from the previous point of this article credible: it has been expressing itself for years against social injustice.