Others prefer to save money by building their own inbound platform by integrating the tools they deem necessary, avoiding those deemed superfluous. In jargon this operation is defined as "frankenspot" or the set of multiple software or plug-ins generally based on the Wordpress blog platform. This, as we analyzed in a previous article , lends itself without too many difficulties thanks to its open source code and great customization possibilities. New Call-to-action ATTRACT TRAFFIC TO THE SITE increase-website-conversions.
It's certainly nice to see a well-designed and attractive website that effectively presents your company, but if no one wedding photo editing service finds it, all that effort is wasted. The first and fundamental step to generate an increase in qualified traffic to your website starts with the creation of quality content. These must be optimized in order to best perform their task: attract interested visitors, convert visitors into leads and lead prospects to become satisfied customers. It is important that the contents are disseminated and reach the target audience in the places chosen to search for information and updates: to this end, social networks are used, among others, to exploit their penetration capacity.

Let's see how this process can be developed with and without : WithoutTo start building a do-it-yourself inbound marketing platform, you first need a series of tools: blogging platform: Wordpress mobile compatible template: WP-Touch content : WP-Marketing Suite link checking: Integrity social media management tool: Social reports, Hootsuite, Twee tdeck or Sprout social tools: Yoast Word press SEO, Moz, Majestic SEO or Word stream To best configure all these integrations and make them operational, but above all to manage them, you will probably need the support of a web developer.