Important data in a Sales Forecast? must make it possible to: find trends that allow us to know what the development will be like in the rest of the period based on sales, history, among others; achieve a large-scale vision of the product, the market and the company's situation; create alerts that must be sent to those responsible for the product, channel or branch to determine corrective measures;
estimate new business proposals based on the results obtained; detect Fax Lists customer sections that are not evolving as planned and thus implement new measures. know the levels of raw materials or finished product materials based on the projected products; quantify the necessary investment and promotions for the marketing area; evaluate various options to increase productive capacity. Its usefulness is incredible! How to structure the data? To develop a .

correct data structure we must take into account the following: what does the user need? (salespeople, commercial directors, among others); What level of detail will there be in relation to sales by branch, seller, channel, etc. ? You must have information from all the departments involved to enrich the sales report by showing detailed information about the fulfillment of the forecast and its consequence on production. include external information from statistics and data companies – private or public – in order to measure the disposition of our company in the target market; They must be structured sensitive to alerts and changes. ADVERTISEMENT For an optimal level of information, they must be focused with vision on all those fields that need to be improved. In a.