corporate ladder or set yourself apart from thecompetition, particularly if you’re a digital nomad or looking to become asuccessful freelancer? Check out these 10 essential skills to keep you relevantin the ever-changing digital industry: Video Marketing SEO & SEM & Planning Social MediaEmail Be Tech Savvy Persuasion The Unusual! 10 Tips to Kickstart your DigitalMarketing Career Download 1. Video Marketing Video continues to take theinternet by storm and this isn’t about to stop. Customers love videos,particularly on social media, and 8 out of 10 people have purchased afterwatching a brand’s video. For marketers, 93% who use video say it’s animportant part of their strategy and 87% report it gives them
a positive Return on Investment (ROI) according toThe State of Video Marketing Japan WhatsApp Number List research. Bear in mind that these are loosestatistics that will vary depending on who you ask, but the point is that moststatistics point to much higher conversion, engagement, and higher SEO rankingswhen it comes to video. What makes it so engaging? Because it’s personal andrelevant. When people can see your face (or the face of the person promotingthe brand), they are more likely to trust your business. It’s also wonderfullyversatile content to use across different platforms. Just think about thesuccess of Instagram and the rapid rise of TikTok! Digital marketingprofessionals don’t have to know everything about video production. But knowinghow to make videos without hiring
a professional is a good place to start. There aresome great tools to help you do that such as Camtasia or an AI tool likeCapCut. And if you have some training in this area and love it, your skillswill never be wasted as video will always be in demand. If you want to learnmore on your own, you can try out video editing tools like Apple Final Cut ProX or Adobe Premiere Pro. Useful resources: 9 Ideas for Social Media Videos The23 Best Video Marketing Tools for 2023 2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)& Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key toall levels of digital marketing and anyone going into the field must have abasic handle on it. You can leave the highly technical, back-end stuff to themore technical people on the team, but