A startup needs to think about branding and branding from the beginning. It is common to hear in training based on lean startups that only once it is confirmed that our business reaches Product Market Fit and we have subsequently detected the business generation channels, can we start thinking about investing in branding. The statement, contains a terminological confusion that is important to clarify.
What do they mean when they talk about investing in brand? If by brand we mean defining and Cambodia Phone Number Data managing a set of meanings that provide value and preference, we do our business a disservice if we leave this for last, because it can condition (or should) all our points of contact, starting with the product.

Once you assume that the brand is the sum of our beliefs , our actions and our signs and stories, we realize that waiting makes no sense. Why is branding important for a startup? Because even if, in a simplification exercise taken to the extreme, the brand were only a name and a logo, we would need to project a solvent image capable of holding a relevant promise and without a doubt, a solid identity would be a good lever for this.