One of the engineers in the infrastructure team at the global company Uber. The company specializes in the field of electronic payment , and aims to change the payment experience in Egypt through its virtual bank, which allows its users to create accounts, pay, buy, manage money, withdraw, and other things, and all of this completely electronically. The global company MasterCard announced its partnership with Tilda in May 2021.
A month later, in June 2021, the company obtained initial approval Chinese Europe Phone Number List from the Central Bank of Egypt, and was able to work through the Bank of Cairo to provide its cards, electronic wallet, and banking services. This is the company's story, so what about the services it provides? Telda application Tilda We can say that Telda combines traditional banking services with electronic payment services such as Apple Pay, PayPal , and others. Through it, you can send or receive transfers, pay your bills, buy online, and withdraw from any ATM machine in Egypt or the world. Very simply, to summarize, you can do anything that banks or electronic wallets provide you with.
Such as Vodafone Cash or even electronic payment services. After issuing your Tilda card, you can use it as you wish, and control it from your phone without the need to go to the bank or talk to customer service or any of these things that used to eat up your time. Not only that, but the service is also free, the card is free, card renewal or replacement fees are free, and most transfers are free (we will talk about expenses, fees, and transfer fees in a moment). Read also: What are electronic banks and the 4 best banks for Arabs. The uses of the card are almost unlimited. You can do anything you want with it, whether inside or outside Egypt, and all of this with no or very low fees. Use Tilda cards For example, you can use it in: Transfer and receive money instantly. Pay all your bills from the app.