dear ones at reasonable cost. We can dramatically increasethe speed of WordPress , increase the speed of Joomla , and also increase thespeed of any content management system that you use. Because one of the mostimportant concerns of administrators in order to provide optimal services to usersis the low speed of WordPress and slow loading of Joomla and other CMS sites.Increasing the speed of the site improves the SEO of the site and as a resultincreases the sales and satisfaction of users, in this service we have checkedmore than 30 important factors (most of these factors are derived from Googlefactors ) and in order to improve the site speed and reduce We will take thenecessary steps when loading. Then, after completing the mentioned steps,
we will check and test your site a Have you ever started anadvertising campaign, planned it, spent Italy WhatsApp Number Data time, spent money, etc., but did notget the necessary results?? One of the reasons could be that the SEO or siteanalysis tools you use are not properly set up to provide you with correct anduseful statistics. On the other hand, an SEO expert and a digital marketer,after his knowledge and experience, need to use SEO and marketing tools. Toolssuch as Search Console, Google Analytics, Yoast, Tag Manager, etc. Now imaginethat these tools (with this degree of importance) are not properly configured.The result is that we get wrong information and data . And this is where wehave to say: the first brick is laid by a crooked architect, and the crookedwall goes up to 
the wall... Now, no matter how much time we spend on thesewrong data and analyze them, it is useless. , wesee this problem in 1 site that the Google Analytics code is mistakenly placed2 times on the pages and the bounce rate of the page is close to zero and the employeris happy that the bounce rate of his site is very low!! While this tool isgiving us wrong data. So, if tools such as search console, Google Analytics,online chat tools, Yoast, tag manager, etc. are not properly configured andadjusted, we may face different problems in the project; Or, for example, wecannot use some of the features of these tools. It is interesting to know thateven WordPress and Host have their own configuration, which can affect thesite's SEO