Let's start with the easiest ways to get caught and punished by Google, and then we'll address some points where it's important to be careful and discerning. - Do not buy or sell links Google is increasingly prepared to identify links that have not been used naturally, and the same goes for purchased links. Think that each link, which points or is pointed by your domain, is a record of your value . You want to make sure all the records are positive,
so be careful when trading them. Buying and selling links is Iran WhatsApp Number Data one of Google's biggest focuses and is definitely territory you want to stay away from. In the end, there are much better ways to build authority. Remember that, if you want to put a link from a business partner on your page, you can try to put it naturally, or insert the NoFollow tag. This tag prevents the search engine from following the link, and therefore does not associate the two domains. - Do not use private blog networks This resource consists of creating a network of private blogs, on domains other than your website, to generate links for your main site, where you concentra

te customer acquisition. So I can't have a blog on another domain? Of course you can! The important thing is to ensure that your blog is relevant on its own. If your private blog is constantly being updated, receiving visits, new content and external links, it is likely to generate value, and you have nothing to worry about. However, if you plan to acquire several deactivated domains for link generation, and leave them "abandoned to the moths", you will have a big problem on your hands. If Google understands that these domains only exist to host links for your main domain, you will be penalized. ADVERTISEMENT - Do not use hidden links Using hidden links, such as one in white text on a white background for example, has alre