The testing it with different exercises and methodologies that can stimulate the mind. Creativity does not come by itself before it our mind must have gone through some situation and that idea emerged from it not creativity to create art science products many times it is to solve problems in our daily lives to remain firm. you want. August PMReply oto fabian otavo caicedo very good conference helps us to believe in ourselves and gives us good information and the video is very entertaining and shows us what the science wants to show us what we dont know about good article and interesting.
proposals for innovation motivation and the ability to strive for our dreams October AMReply Kevin Yulian Corona Coronado It is a sensation to observe the behavior of the USA Phone Number List brain and how it executes ideas at the right time. I really liked the teaching that the speaker leaves about determination about launching into developing an idea without knowing what will happen. Daring to do things stimulates the brain and allows us to gain experience and through behaviors and practices we gain good skills and abilities. We are all creative but few of us dare to do something to discover new things and I believe that the answer is always within us we just need a little determination.
October PMReply Andres Felipe Orjuela Diaz A very interesting topic since it talks to us and explains to us how peoples minds today are not being developed because we do not innovate we are not creative and we do not experiment more what we do has become very routine. With our mind we do not leave the comfort area and the mind becomes sedentary to new knowledge a very important topic super rational support to take into account and practice in daily life so that in the future.