Today Facebook is a passive vehicle where users manually post pictures status updates and YouTube videos. And then they quietly observe what others have posted occasionally offering a comment but often just scrolling down through content. As such Facebook is a retrospective medium a place to share experiences already completed and then put them on display. But the company does little to capture information as it happens and even less to help us organize the future.
A But this will change as Facebook becomes a prospective medium—a dynamic real time driver that will automatically gather current and future information that wearable devices will automatically broadcast about us match it with what our friends are auto broadcasting and then deliver recommendations on what we should do socially. This will help us get off Chinese Overseas America Number Data the mobile phone and actually meet up in the offline world. This way Facebook will become less of a website to visit than an invisible conduit to the most important aspects of people s lives a way to keep a closer eye on their children plan social interactions be alerted to pertinent products and services and accelerate the value of a person s connections. Two trends will lead to this outcome. information generated by their wearable devices such as Nike FuelBand.
The device is a part of a greater Nike ecosystem that has attracted over million users who happily share their athletic achievements with others. Just do a search on nikeplus on Twitter and you will discover a Nike related tweet every seconds in every conceivable language. Second many companies are already encouraging us to share private information automatically. For example if you are using Google Maps on your iPhone you are most likely sending information to Google about your location and speed—data the company aggregates to present us with up to date traffic maps.