sellingto a current customer, compared to just a 5% to 20% chance of selling to newcustomers. With a mobile app, you can: Create and promote a customer loyaltyprogram Send push notifications to customers to drive engagement Let yourcustomers save billing and shipping information on their accounts Optimize theshopping and checkout experience Facilitate recurring payments for monthly orannual subscriptions Improve your customer service with in-app support
Collectfeedback with customer surveys Create a community message board for your most Jiangxi Mobile Phone Number List loyal customers Take a look at your upcoming marketing budget. Rather thanpouring that money into Facebook Ads or expensive CPC campaigns, you can investit into a mobile app for your customers. The investment will quickly start topay for itself as your retention rates will stay high—even during a recession.Mobile Apps Increase Sales and Revenue
becomethe most popular device for buying things online. Roughly 76% of all US adultsuse their smartphones for this purpose. If you don’t have a mobile app, you’remissing out on a huge opportunity in this space. Here’s why. On average, mobileapps convert at a 157% higher rate than mobile websites. Regardless of theindustry, it’s just a significantly better shopping experience when you comparea mobile app to a mobile website. Customers can save their information on