Behavioral profile analysis is that as the company recognizes and values each person's skills and competencies, these professionals feel more motivated . This is because they begin to see their importance for the results achieved. Turnover reduction Clarity of behavioral profiles helps the company to allocate professionals to roles compatible with their skills, which increases the chances of increasing satisfaction and motivation at work. As a result, the tendency is for turnover levels , that is, turnover, to be reduced, as employees are happier and more engaged. Increased productivity When people are motivated, happy and engaged, productivity tends to be greater. Furthermore, once a professional is allocated a role compatible with their skills and abilities, they tend to perform their work more easily. Improvement in recruitment Knowing the existing behavioral profiles within the company is essential for carrying out much more targeted recruitment .
Knowing what the current gaps are in the workforce, it becomes easier to look for professionals who fill these needs and complement the team. Stronger and more plural teams Knowing the behavioral profile of each employee is essential for creating more integrated and stronger teams, with complementary talents. On the other hand, when there is no clarity about each person's strengths and weaknesses, it may be possible to form a team full of people with the same skills and, therefore, with the same gaps in knowledge and skills as well. Better management of internal conflicts When there is a conflict in DM Databases the team, the manager is able to understand the different points of view and deal with each team member taking into account their personality traits.Therefore, companies that already regularly apply performance evaluations can use this material to analyze their behavioral profile. Profiles outlined: what now? Well, now that you understand the importance of the behavioral profile and how it can be studied within your company.

The question remains: what can be done after these studies? Well, once the organization and employee are aware of this profile, it is worth moving on to the next stage, which is nothing more than enhancing positive skills and competencies and working on those that still need to be improved. One of the best ways to do this is through psychotherapy , which is a deep process of self-knowledge capable of assisting in this development. There are psychologists specialized in careers who are the ideal professionals to lead this moment alongside the company's employees. Many people still associate psychotherapy only with the prevention and treatment of psychological disorders, but that's not all. It can also be a powerful tool for developing interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence , communication , leadership, resilience, etc. Therefore, if after studying behavioral profiles your company wants to go further, the ideal is to offer psychotherapy as a corporate benefit to enhance the development of each employee.